Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #12

Hey everyone,
So this is it! This is officially my last blog post for ADED1P32. This has been a great course! I have learned so much about being a digital citizen and how I can make a positive difference in the world of technology. Below is my current PLE and as you can see, I have surrounded myself with new tools from this course that will be useful in my educational studies.
Pedersen, E. (CC) 2014
I have honestly learned so much in this course, and I have really enjoyed using the internet as my textbook. It has allowed for personal discovery and given me an eye opener to how much potential the digital world has to offer.

I think the most important aspect that I will take from this course is how to Blog. I have grown so much in the blogging world and it will be a tool that I will continue to use for the rest of my life. I plan to be that teacher who takes note of fun and exciting activities and educational growth within my classroom, and blog about it to the world so they can see student learning. I have read so many educational blogs this semester and if it was not for this class, I would never have been exposed to such a fantastic world of learning.

I also think this course showed me the importance of leaving a positive digital foot print. It is so important to leave a good impression and stay positive on the internet. The more positive and open your are to others, the more you learn and stay connected to those who want to share with you. By working together, the digital world can benefit each and every one of us.

Thanks for reading all my blogs!

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #11

Hey Everyone,
Every moment I feel Christmas break is approaching quicker and quicker and I can't help but feel nervous and excited all at the same time. It has been a busy week so far and will be even more busy in the second half.

This week, we were to discover the world of web casting tools. Well, I have to say, it was an adventure for me. I am pretty good with technology, however, I was having no luck this week. I began by making a podcast on Garage band. However, once I downloaded my podcast to itunes and then tried to upload it to my blog, I could not do it. So, naturally I became frustrated because I had just been recording my video for 45 min and it would not work. So then, I decided to expand my PLE and look into some online tools that I could use that would work better then Garage band. And I did! I looked into the web recording tool 'Sound Cloud,' as suggested in our activity and I found it to be very helpful. I was able to record my podcast and create a video in a matter of minuets. I was then able to up load it to my blog and complete my task. In part of being a developing digital citizen, I must trouble shoot and learn from my mistakes. This way, I understand how the online tool works and when I use it again I will hopefully not run into any more problems. This is truly a lesson for me.
SoundCloud. (CC) 2014

So, let me tell you a little bit about Sound Cloud. It is a very useful tool when wanting to upload music and audio onto the internet. You can create groups with people, where you can all share information or, you can share your video to the public for all to see. It is a place where you can gather information, or just jam to your favorite beats. You can also make your own playlists of music which can be accessed from any computer. This can be very helpful if your at school and need a break from the world, just open up your Sound Cloud and play your playlist. I think that this tool is very easy to use and practical for students.

Podcasting tools can definitely contribute to my work and building knowledge. For example, as a digital citizen, I am exploring the web to understand its potential and how it can help me learn. By using podcasting tools, I am open to a whole new world of gathering information. Any time I would like to learn about something interesting or useful, I can follow someone, add them to my itunes and listen to what they have to say about my topic of interest. This can be insightful especially if you follow the podcast of someone who is a great educator and has a lot of information to share with the world. As a digital citizen, I should be taking advantage of this opportunity. 

This weeks Feedly feed of interest is about a class in the states taking advantage of the "thank you videos' on Facebook as an exercise for a digital citizenship lesson.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


In this activity, I learned about the benefits of podcasting. I personally never thought of podcasting as a tool I could use to help my learning. However, after participating in the activity, I can see how it can be beneficial in developing as a digital citizen. By using podcasting, I am making the most of digital technology by full electric participation in society. As a citizen, I have expanded my knowledge via the internet to help inform others of my topic of interest. In part of being a digital citizen, I have the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with anyone at anytime, so that everyone can share my knowledge, and hopefully I can learn from others knowledge.

In addition to communicating my knowledge with the use of podcasting, I also appropriately licensed my video into Creative Commons, so those who want to share or use my video know that limits as to how they can use my video. As a digital citizen I have to take precautions so that I am protected and guaranteed safety. I must protect my information from other citizens on the inter-web that might cause harm to my safety.

In addition to podcasting contributing to my digital citizenship, it has also added to my digital literacy. I learned how to use a tool that I would never have thought of learning before this class. Podcasting is a new way for me to share information and to gain knowledge from others on the web 2.0 that is creative and interesting. This is a growing tool that is used in society now, and as it emerges into the educational field, I must learn quickly how to use it appropriately and effectively so I can inform future students. In part of being a digital citizen, I must be digitally literate so that I can educate in a new way.

These are just a few ways that podcasting has contributed to my learning. Below is a podcasting video that I created....ENJOY!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Last but not Least...

Hey everyone,
So here I am, my last blog of the semester. The time has gone way to fast to what I prefer, but I am very excited for Christmas break to start in just 3 weeks!!

Deakin University. (CC) 2014
This week, I have decided to talk about the last chapter in our text, 'The Twenty-First Century Teacher.' From this course I have learned a lot, but I found this chapter to be a great finally, so to speak, on what I can do to as a future teacher to make positive changes in the education system.

I really enjoyed how the text stressed about the importance of being a 'reflective practitioner.'  In teaching, you must always be looking to improve your teaching skills. As stated by the text "Reflection is an important part of the learning cycle and helps us move forward to more effective ways of doing things in changing times (pg. 149)." We cannot move forward in the education system without reflecting on our past, present and future teaching. The more reflective we become, the more professional growth we develop. I think that this is an important process in order to push forward in education so that we can meet the needs of the 21st century student.

In addition to being a reflective practitioner, I think the topic of the semester has been "how to use technology to meet the needs of the 21st Century student."  In being a reflective practitioner, I must reflect upon the use of technology in the education setting to meet the needs of what the text calls the 'digital natives.' Technology is a new way of thinking and this is how 21st century students brains are now learning and developing. However, as important as introducing technology in the class room is, the text makes a good point in saying that technology is useful only when it enhances learning (pg. 156). We as teachers need to act as facilitators and allow students to explore the unknown and learn how to use the web 2.0. This is a new part of learning and if teachers teach in traditional methods, technology will become a burden and  children will no longer enjoy discovering this new world. Students need to learn with a hands on approach on how to use technology in an education setting so that they can be prepared for what is next to come in the digital age.

CMC. (CC) 2014
I have learned so much this semester about the web 2.0 that I have been mind blown! I must have learned about 30 new tools that I can use on the web to make my life easier and organized. For example I learned about curator tools such as Evernote and Diigo, where I can literally bookmark and tag any website, photo, or video and save it to my account forever, and refer to it from any browser whenever I need access to what I saved. I also learned about a tool called Popplet, where I can create online brainstorming maps and not have to go through the hassle of drawing a map with a pencil and paper. I also discover google docs. This is by far the best tool out there. You can do anything with google docs, and all of it is accessible whether you make it private or shared with a class or group mates. It is fantastic on a classroom setting, and students can access any material posted not only in class but online at home or at lunch in the library. As a student who went to high school and elementary school without the use of google docs, Evernote, Diigo, Pooplet and many more digital tools I see much potential in my future classroom. 

SignUpGenius. (CC) 2014
I would like to finish off my blog with a final word about this course, EDUC 4P19. It began as a struggle as I was generally confused about what I had to do in the course and how I was to keep organized and on task. I felt like everytime I thought I was on track, something chagned and I was completely off task. All I know is a traditional classroom, where the teachers hands out a fixed syllabus and tells me what I have to do and when I have to do it by. So, entering this course I became hesitant and a little frightened of what the semester had in store for me. However, I have to say, it was really nice not having to worry about my grades for once in my life. I felt that the feedback I got was positive and useful in improving my skills in the class.  I think there is still so much more for me to learn about the 21st century student and this course has given me that first step forward into a new light. As I grow to becoming a teacher, I am becoming less critical of what I am being taught, and becoming more critical of what positive values I can take from what I learn and implement them in the classroom. Know that I have seen potential in the classroom and how I can make a difference, I cannot wait to start teaching!

Thanks for reading!

 Drake, S., Reid, J., & Kolohon, W. (2014). Toward a New story of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. In Interweaving curriculum and classroom assessment: Engaging the 21st-century learner. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford Univrsity press.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #10

Hey everyone!
I hope your week is going well, mine is going fast! I have had three presentations and a couple assignments due, but all have been successful :)

Animoto. (CC) 2014
This week, we focused on tools that allowed us to create an online environment. In particular, I explored Animoto and Photopeach. When I first think of slide shows, I think of a presentation that you do in front of the class and the instructor or facilitator presents the information. Well, I now see that it is much more then that! While discovering the new web 2.0 slide show tools, I realized that I could use the slide shows to tell a story, to use videoagraphy to express an issue, and I DO NOT have to just use plain writing. From an educational stand point, this fuels the creativity of the 21st century student. I also noticed that, especially on Animoto, that it limited how much text you were allowed to put per slide. This really teaches students how to be concise about information and how to keep it simple. Instead of righting every major concept of a topic, this allows students to focus on what is really important and essential to their presentation. I know from past personal experience, I have always filled my slides full of information, and not realizing that it is information overload for my audience.

PhotoPeach. (CC) 2014
The use of these slide show tools have shown me that there is so much potential to learn from the web. These tools can be shared on any social media site. If there is something important or of interest that you would like your PLN to know about, then you can simply share your slideshow. Not only does this allow you to share your knowledge with the world, but it also allows others to share their knowledge with you! This can allow for discovery of new topics and knowledge.

This web 2.0 tool could definitely be added to my PLE. In a way I think that the slideshow tools (Animoto and Photopeach) are very similar to Google slides, however, you are able to share to social media without a special sharing link. I would add this tool to my PLE in the category of 'Collaborating and socializing' and within the sub category 'Video communication/socialization.' I think that adding this category to my PLE will help me broaden my horizons from the previous video communication tools (Skype, Facetime and Youtube). This tool will allow me to communicate with the world around me, with the use of a created video, and not an 'in the moment' video. This allows for so much potential and freedom. I also considered placing the web 2.0 tool under synthesizing and creating, because technically, it is a tool of synthesizing and creating. However, I think it fits best under the previous heading, because through video communication I can learn from collaborating ideas of my PLN. 

This weeks Feedly feed of Interest: This weeks feed relates to this weeks topic on slide shows. It is on how to teach your students to deliver good presentations.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, 17 November 2014


Hey Everyone,
This week we got to explore two fun tools: Animoto and Flickr. Both of these tools have taught me a lot about my digital responsibility. As a digital citizen I have the responsibility to give credit to where credit is due. While using Flickr especially, I needed to make sure I recorded all details of the image (i.e. the author, the title of the photo, where it was from (URL) and the day is was posted). There are so many things to consider so that you give proper credit. As I am learning to understand my digital responsibilities, understanding what copy righting means has definitely been benefical. To protect the rights of those who have taken the time to upload their photos and offered their photos to be in the creative commons, it is my responsibility to show them that I appreciate their work.

While using Animoto, I was only allowed to use a certain number of words per slide. At first I became frustrated with this, however, it taught me how to condense my words and not over power the slide with information. It taught me how to be aware of appropriate technology use. As I am becoming digitally literate, this has been helpful in my understanding in what it means to actually use technology appropriately, and has increased my knowledge.

 Here is my video, enjoy!

 Pedersen, Emily. (CC) 2014

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #9

Hey Everyone
I hope that you all had a fantastic week. Mine was extremely stressful once again, but its that time of year. I feel like I am struggling to stay in the game, but in exactly one month today I will be completely done and Christmas break begins!
Synergis Education. (CC) 2014
This week in session 9, we explored VoiceThread and Polldaddy. Personally, I really enjoyed what each tool brought to the table. To begin, VoiceThread allows you to up load a presentation, documents or images,  record your voice, add text comments and you can even invite people to be part of your VoiceThread. Voice thread allows for many educational opportunities inside and outside the classroom. At anytime, anywhere, students can invite other students to their VoiceThread and allow for others to comment on and add to the VoiceThread. It can be a place where new ideas are developed and where collective knowledge arises. Polldaddy was another tool that I explored. This tool has a lot of potential in the classroom and I personally enjoyed learning about this tool. With Polldaddy, you can create surveys, polls, quizzes/tests, and have your content rated. In an educational setting, you could create a class review that all students can access for a test that they have coming up, or you can create a poll for which day each student would like to present on. This tool is great because it can keep the teacher informed on how students are doing in the class(ie. how they did on the practice test). I think that this tool will be very beneficial for me in the future as a teacher and it is something that I will now add to my PLE under commuication. I think that even for group projects at school in  university this tool can come in handy. For example, last year I was in a stats class where I cad to form a case study on a particular topic, find data and analyze it. If I knew of Polldaddy I could have easily created a survey about a topic and had people fill it out. This would be very authentic data and very practical to collect.
Polldaddy. (CC) 2014

In regards to Digital rights and responsibilities, while using VoiceThread, it is very easy for individuals to make inappropriate 'commenting' on another individuals VoiceThread. There may be times when people disagree on what is being commented on, and this can cause brutal retaliation and possible tension between one another. I think that if VoiceThread was to be introduced into a classroom, teachers would have to go over not only basic rules on how to communicate on the internet, but how to appropriately make a VoiceThread with a video or audio recording. The more teachers make students aware of how to behave appropriately on the internet and what their rights and responsibilities are, the more this tool can be effective to learning. The article 'Tools for Teaching Cyber Ethics' does a great job at explaining the ten commandments of Computer ethics that I think would be great for a teacher to address when introducing tools like VoiceThread.  I think that as a developing digital citizen I am becoming more aware of what I posting on the internet and what responsibilities I have to protect myself and others on the internet. This class is really teaching me a lot about becoming a digital citizen.

In spirit of exams approaching, this weeks Feedly feed of interest is about how to de-stress from exams.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Technology Use Senario #6

Hey everyone, I chose to do scenario 6 for this activity:

John and his friend Mike both have camera phones. Mike sits in the back of his class and uses his phone to photograph the test for John, who is taking the test that afternoon. Mike then emails the photograph to the test to John's phone (Ribble, 2011).

Well, it is very obvious that Mike and his friend John are using technology inappropriately. To begin, Mike is using his phone during a test. The phone he has not only can be used to take pictures but can also connect to the internet and he can have access to sites that might have the answers to the test questions. Today, math classes are allowing more and more students to use their phones as their calculator instead of using a calculator bought from the store. I understand why they do this to save the students money, but it is hard for a teacher to regulate what students are doing on their phones 24/7 especially during a test. Secondly, Mike is giving his friend John the test before he does it, which is cheating. Technology is supposed to help you develop skills to complete tasks in school, and if used abusively, like in this scenario, makes a bad name for technology not to mention the student is not learning anything. In the article, "Cell phones in school" they address the point that it is unhealthy for students to depend excessively on their cell phones.  The point of tests is to assess YOUR skills and not the internet's skills. Knowing the test in advanced, teaches the student nothing.  I think that the underlying issue here is that students need to be taught how to use technology properly in the classroom. As the article "From toy to tool: Cell phones in the classroom" explains, teachers do not want to be responsible for harmful mobile behaviour. It is important to teach cell phone etiquette. I am a believer of technology being used in the classroom, and by addressing proper digital rights and responsibilities of technology will help students understand proper use of technology. Mike should have put his phone away and gave his friend John hints about what was on the test and not fully tell him. As suggested by "From toy to tool: Cell phones in the classroom" , it is important that the teacher set rules about using phones as calculators in the classroom.

The article "from toy to tool: Cell phones in the classroom" also offers some good ways to address cell phones etiquette. Do you have any that you would like to add? feel free to tell me :)

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 9 November 2014


hey everyone
This week we have been introduced to a new and exciting new tool called Voicethread. At first this tool seemed a bit over whelming, but it is actually very simple to use and it can be great for group projects!  I know that a lot of the tools we have use have been used for group projects, but this also fits the bill. In a group project, you can add your presentation to Voicethread by dragging your file to the "add media" file and just like Google docs, you can have your group members comment on what they like, what they think needs to be changed and how they can make it better! This way you can avoid meeting up in person, and anyone in your group can comment through text, video or even audio.

Another way this could be used is individually. I can find a video about a topic I am researching and I could listen to other peoples comments and learn from what they view or find. This can help with inspiration for a paper or even give you a new perspective on the situation. I did this while I was commenting on the Digital Rights and Responsibilities thread. I listened and read others perspective and it enlightened me with new ideas.

This can also help when I am doing presentations at school or as a teacher and I could narrate my presentations.  

As For my PLE, I would add Voice thread to "socialization and collaboration" under the sub heading "Video communication and Socialization".

Here is the Discussion Voice thread "Digital Rights and Responsibilities"

Thanks for reading!

Friday, 7 November 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #8

Hey everyone!
So November has been a busy month already and its only the 7th! I don't know about everyone else but I cannot wait till exams are over, then I can do my happy dance!

This week in session 8, we explored wikis!
Wiki PD. (CC) 2014
I have heard of a lot of courses here at Brock that use Wiki's to complete projects and are posted for other groups to see. I never thought that I would be able to use a wiki in one of my classes, but finally I got to. At first I really did not understand why a wiki was useful. It just seemed as though it was a place people could add and take away information based on what they believed and  because of Wikipedia, I thought wiki's were unreliable sources. However, my eyes have been opened! They are great ways to support learning and have classes combine the information they have found and share with each other. Especially in high school, this is a great way for students to do research and learn from each other. While learning about wikis, I found this example that a high school class did to debate about climate change . There was criteria that the class had to follow which was posted on the wiki home page and on the side, each team had a link where they could post their information that linked to the debate. It is a very interesting tool that has much potential in the education world.

I could definitely see myself using a wiki in the future as a teacher. I like how it allows students to collaborate and use 21st century skills such as creativity, technology and collaboration with others. In comparison to Evernote, I think that I would prefer a wiki, however Google docs still remains one of my favorite online tools. Google docs allows more conversation with students with the comment tool and overall, suits classroom needs more.

A great way a wiki could be used is when there is a topic of interest that students want to discover. There is new student based learning strategy that has become very popular in the education world called genius hour. It is a time where students are aloud to research any thing that they are curious about and at the end of the semester or year, student get to present what they learned from their topic of interest. I think a wiki would be a great idea for genius hour because then students can post their educational findings on a common site that everyone can have access to and learn from. I think that would be a great way to apply a wiki in an educational context.

Here is a video that explains Genius hour and how awesome it is!

This week, my Feedly feed of interest is related to the theme of this week Digital Rights and Responsibilities. It is an article on what students really need to know about digital citizenship

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Chapter 4: Interdisciplinary models

Hey everyone,
This week I read chapter four of the text that was based on the study of interdisciplinary models. It explored how interdisciplinary models are used and how they have been more successful in student learning then the traditional methods. It had many interesting insights and explinations that really opened my eyes to a new kind of education, one I did not know existed.

Even though interdisciplinary studies are not new, it is actually quite an old concept that is very new to me. I think that it is a fantastic style of teaching and really allows students to lead their own education. Before I read this chapter, I briefly learned how a integrated curriculum worked by personal research. However, it was not until I went to observation placement this year that I realized how exciting this teaching/ learning approach can be. So, here is my story.

I did my observation placement at my old high school where I got to reminisce with one of my old teachers, who actually taught me in her first teaching year. She was very excited to tell me about this new data management project that she and the physics department teacher had created. Basically, students from each class would pair up with a student from the opposite class. Then, the students in the physics class would do an experiment on a study that they had been working on. Those students would then share the their results and data with the data management class through Google docs. Students in the data management class would then analyze the data and create a spreadsheet and graphical representations that represented the data on Google spread sheets. The final RPAT, was that each pair of students would create a video together about the research they did and explain their findings, which was sent and posted on the school class website. This video was up to student interpretation and some created a engaging story line that involved everything they did in their assignment.

This really opened my eyes. I saw something new that day that changed my perspective on teaching. It was so exciting to see students using their 21st century skills (creativity, collaboration, communication etc.) and actually enjoying what they were learning. The text provided some great insight to integrated curriculum, but seeing it in action was insightful.

I agree with the text when it says that "For teachers who experienced the discipline-based approach of the old story as students, it is difficult, and a bit scary to consider teaching from a interdisciplinary perspective." It is not an easy task to do this type of teaching because it is hard to wrap your head around the fact that you are not just using one subject to teach a main idea, you are using two or more to allow students to understand a main idea. This is where I think this method of teaching can be flawed. Teachers who do not keep up to date or are older and have never been introduced to this style of teaching can have negative effects on student learning. It takes research, practice and a lot of planning. I think that it not only takes time to learn this skill but more importantly, teachers teaching this way have to be interested in this method and willing to explore the unknown. Teachers cannot all teach in this manor.
Salem State University. (cc) 2014
Mackey, D. (CC) 2014

 (These are some examples of integrated curriculum)

Thanks for reading!

Friday, 31 October 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection #7

Hello everyone!
I hope you are having a good week, mine just flew! Last night I went out for Halloween as a pumpkin and tonight I will be going out as the queen of spades. It should be a fun night!

Google. (CC) 2014
This week, we learn about the ever so fascinating Google docs. This is the best online tool I have used so far.  Google docs allows you to create online documents, presentations, spread sheets, etc that can be viewed from any computer, as long as you remember your password ;). Now, it gets better! Not only can you view this document, but you have the opportunity to share the document with fellow group mates (for a group project) where they can also access the document from any computer at any time, even at the same time as you. This is a great tool for group projects in education at any level. Collaboratively, students can work together on a project, and do not have to be together. For example, in a placement that I did this semester, a high school data management teacher put together a project with the physics teacher where students from each of the classes were to work together on a physics experiment. The students in the physics class would do an experiment and post their results that they found on a Google doc. Then, the students from the data management class would then analyze the results on the Google docs and create a Google spreadsheet of information. The students would use Google docs to collaborate their information, and finally make a Google slides presentation. Such a neat idea and really engaged students in collaboration of work.

Google forms is another key tool that can be used for various activities. At first I was unsure what Google forms was, so I did some research. Google forms can be used for birthday invitations, survey polls, student quizzes etc, and can be connected to a Google spreadsheet where the data collected from the forms, can be inputted immediately on Google spreadsheet. For example, if a high school was voting for a new school president, every student can go on their Google docs and vote on a shared Google form. Then the information will go to a spread sheet and tally the votes from the students in the school. How neat!

Another way Google forms can be used is for invitations. You can send any online invitations (Birthday, weddings, etc.) and people can reply. In the work place environment, you can send out an invitation for a conference or a work party, to know who can attend and who can not instead of asking each person individually.

I would definitely add this tool to my PLE as a collaborative and socializing tool. It is a fantastic tool that goes beyond the traditional group work and makes it easier for everyone to come together. This is a tool that I have not only started using in this class but, for my other classes as well and introduced my friends to it.

Here is my Feedly feed of interest for the week. It is an article on a web tool called thinklink and how it can be connected to online collage tools to make interactive collages.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection #6

Hey everyone!
This week has been a long week. I had to make a big decision on where I would like to go next year for teachers college, and I decided Hamilton! It is exciting and and nerve racking, but I am excited for whats next in store for me.

This week we were introduced to a 2.0 web tool called Evernote. To be honest when I saw that the elephant was the 'logo' for Evernote I got all giddy inside because elephants are my favorite animal! (A little bit more information about myself). I was excited to start this new tool and to do so I began by using the tutorial for Evernote on how to use it. It was fantastic and showed me step by step on how to use Evernote to the best of my ability.

Evernote, (CC) 2014
I found while learning about Evernote, that it was a bit overwhelming in how much this curating tool could actually do. I found that it could become very confusing if you just jumped right in a tried the tool out on your own. The first thing and most valuable thing that I learned from Evernote is that it can literally do anything and everything that your computer does to save your documents. However, Evernote is even better because you can access your documents from any computer, where ever you are. As a student who is constantly commuting back and forth to school, I do not have the energy or strength to carry my laptop everywhere I go. This tool makes it easier to access any document you want from anywhere you are. This tool can also make completing homework easier for any student. Having the ability to access work from anywhere, allows more time for students to focus on their work an become diligent in completing it on time.

The second aspect that I really enjoyed about Evernote is that you can organize your information into specific notes and upload or 'web clip' information into specific notes with the clip of a button. By being able to organize information right away when saving material you find on the web such as a URL, your life can become a lot more organized.  I found this made researching for my topic a lot easier because all the information that I found was in one place. In addition, Evernote makes sharing notes easy, so that when you are doing education activities or research with a group (Just like ADED1P32) your partners can see what you found.  This can make research projects very collaborative, informative, and allows everyone to participate without doubling up on information.

Throughout the course I have been learning a lot about digital literacy. The most important thing that I have learned is that all the web 2.0 tools are designed to make your life easier, and create you into a digitally literate citizen. As a future teacher, I can really benefit from this course because I  am finding ways to use the web to my advantage, and beginning to understand how everything works on a whole new level. For example, this week I learned how to evaluate online resources. While researching for my articles, I kept the article 'Internet Detective' from session 4 in mind because I did not want to waste time trying to search through unneeded or invaluable information. This is something I would have never done before this course because it was unknown to me. Every week I have come to a forked road in how to use each tool. Some weeks I have become more stuck then others, but the point is that I am learning how to embrace technology education and have fun with it. I have learned a lot about digital literacy and I will continue to learn more as the course continues.

This week, my Feedly feed of interest is an article on the creative Halloween costumes, in spirit of next Friday :) enjoy!

If you have not followed me on twitter yet, feel free to follow away!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection #5

Once again it has been a successful week. It has been very busy finishing off assignments and writing midterms, however, the storm is over and I get to fully enjoy my reading week with little home work... YA! I look forward to doing my observation placement this week for education and seeing my old teachers again, it should be a good time.

Twitter, (CC) 2014
This week session 5 was all about micro blogging with twitter. Before starting the course I had my doubts about twitter because I thought it was only for people to express unneeded emotions via the internet. However, I judged a book by its cover and I am glad I got to know this new friend of mine twitter. Twitter is a fantastic tool where you can add and follow people with similar interests to you. This week I started following some brilliant educators who post really interesting articles on education. Twitter is a great resource to have while in school because information people share can help you with research and keep you up to date with the most recent information on the web 2.0. If you like an article someone has posted, you can re-tweet it and share them in the post. By doing this you create a resource for yourself and teaches you how to give credit to where credit is do.

Before I jumped right into using Twitter and finding people to follow and tweeting about anything, I wanted to get to know about twitter, understood how it worked and what I could use it for to benefit my PLN. The Twitter hand Book for Teachers lead a great introduction about twitter and the importance of the hash tag. In order to create and harness a personal learning network it is important to create tweets that are not like spam and are educationally relevant and professional. As quoted by the article "Hash tags have become a popular way to create interest-networks within Twitter." They are a way to categorize ideas and topics. That being said, this article taught me why it is important to use #ADED1P32 at the end of my tweets regarding the course, because I can categorize ideas and topics related to people in my PLN. 


Twitter is more then a place to share emotions about your life, it is a place to create a bigger PLN by following new people who share information about topics that interest them as well as you. The video How to build you PLN, explained a PLN as a place where both the student learns and contributes to the process. When students connect to their PLN, they expect learning to happen, both their own learning and people in their learning network. If someone finds interest in your posts on Twitter they can begin to follow you and together you can create a resource for each other and learn from one another. Once you begin to follow a person, you are able see their followers and those who also share your same interests.  Therefore, you can begin to follow more people and create a larger PLN. The more people you follow, the more you learn what the digital world has to offer. It is a fantastic social media site that offers a fantastic opportunity for learning.

This week, my Feedly feed of interest is a blog about using robots to support social and content goals within the classroom

Here is my twitter name and feel free to follow me as I would like to create more resources for my self and a bigger PLN

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Where do YOU Exist in the Education System

Education means learning. Education consists of subjects that students must learn to become active citizens in our society. Without math, you cannot simply add your grocery bill as you shop or understand the concept of taxes, without English, you cannot read etc.. All play a role in a developing society and is essential to learn. Now, this leads me to the question... why do we only focus on writing in our education courses when there are many aspects to education? I understand that professors need to know that we understand what is going on in the class, but there are other ways to prove your understanding. Remember it is education... so far it seems as though those who have a strong literacy back round are the ones who are benefiting. What about the science students?

This brings me to blogging. I am a science person, I do not express myself easily, nor do I feel comfortable doing it. Being graded on something that is not comforting to me is hard emotionally. I am a private person and being told that I have to break into my inner feelings and write a blog about topics I truly have opinions about, is probably the hardest and most uncomfortable thing I have done. Assessment wise, how are blogs graded? I am a logical person who writes the in a scientific manner, I do not know much about flow because I haven't taken an English class in four years. The blogs I have heard (like my group members) have been deep, enriching, very personal, and very good. I struggle with being graded on something that I feel is breaking my personal boundaries.  Like mentioned in chapter two of the text, everyone has different learning preferences and it is up to the student and teacher to work on this. It addressed how important it is for teachers to consider the learning styles of all their students and allow them to be successful in their intelligence area. This type of learning is only allowing those with linguistic back rounds to show their intelligences, but what about science people? We are part of the education system to and why are we not allowed to show where are intelligences are by doing creative tasks in a math or science way. I have not done anything but writing in any of the education classes I have been in. This has put me at a disadvantage because I am not a good writer, there is not a even playing field.

This question does not only apply to the science students of University but also to the younger generations who also enjoy science. There seems to me that there has been a developing negative connotation around the sciences. Many times while in high school I had teachers tell me that they do not think that math is the right route for me. They told me that it is very difficult and that I should really be sure that this would be the right route for me. They also look at me in "really... math? English is better, I can't do math." This hurt, and it still hurts because I am concerned for students like me today still feeling the same pain. Just because a teacher says to me that "they cannot do math" and "English is better" does not mean they should not reveal their negative attitude towards the subject. They should be a true educator and empower the student in their decision. The duty of an educator is to foster learning in a unbiased environment where students are free to make their own decisions with the guidance of the teachers but without the teachers giving them the answer. However, this has not been the case. Teachers are making the decisions for the students based on their own opinions with the use of a guidance discovery model, teachers ask students questions until they say the right answer. This does not empower the student.

As a teacher you need to create a being, a human being. But you will not create an independent human being if you teach them the "know" of the curriculum with biased opinions. You need to create a environment that lets the students "do" what needs to be done to create their own knowledge and create their own being from their experience. A teachers job is not to do the students work and tell them where they should go in life, it is their job to be their and support them along the way.

Media Temple. (CC) 2014

Thanks for reading,


Saturday, 4 October 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection blog post #4

Hello everyone!
So I would just like to start off my blog and say that I have finally been able to sync my Feedly with my browser! It has been a long learning experience but I finally figured it out. This taught me a lesson. You have to be patient when working with technology. It may not always go your way when you want it to go your way, but over time, with new knowledge and experience you will be able to accomplish what you want. That is what learning with digital tools is all about. I used my PLE and found resources that allowed me to guide my personal experience and be successful... I feel empowered!

I also have to add that I figured out how to make my Diigo a toolbar on my browser. This also took me all week to do.... BUT the difference between myself this week and last week is that I am making faster progress and using my PLE more efficiently. I have enjoyed using Diigo and it will definitely be a tool I use from now on. I specifically enjoyed using the book markings tool. You can high light and use sticky notes to aid in you educational experience. All I thought of when using this tool is how much simpler research will become. Having the ability to save any document you wish on the internet to a cloud that you can access from any computer can change lives! If I do research and do not feel like saving all the files to my computer and / or printing them out I have the ability to high light, add to the document personally by adding posted notes and creating active shapes that can help me as a visual learner to remember my research with the click of a button. I noticed that this digital tool also allows you to never forget where you got a piece of research from. I have had many times where I have lost an article or journal online that I had received information from and struggled to re-find the source. As part of being a digital citizen, you must give credit where credit should be given, otherwise you will be plagiarizing another persons work. This digital tool can allow for effective digital citizenship.

This type of tool could be categorized in my PLE under organizing content. The entire purpose of this digital tool is to organize information that you find on the web so that it is easy to access later. I have attached a copy of my updated PLE and you can see under organization I have added Diigo. I have also added Feedly, Blogger and Scoop it to my PLE. I classified Feedly under organizing content as well because it has to deal with gathering information so that you can find information later on a topic of interest at your convenience. Blogger and Scoop it are definitely under the category of synthesizing and creating because they both gather information and create something concrete that you have discovered. Having the ability to add to my PLE is becoming more important to me as the week goes on. Looking into the future, I have a lot of assignments approaching, and having more resources to help me through these tasks will make the experience that much easier. This is what the Web 2.0 is all about.
Pedersen, E. (CC) 2014

This week my Feedly feed of interest is a TED talks video about education removing creativity from children of our generation. It is humorous and insightful and I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did.

Sir K. Robinson. (2007, 01, 06). Schools kill creativity.

Thank you for reading,

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #3

I have learned one thing this week, technology can sometimes be a little annoying. Do not get me wrong, it is a magical thing, however, it has been my mortal enemy this week. Not only has it taken me all week to figure out how Feedly works, but I still do not know how it works...... it has been a struggle. There has been some success though! I have figured out how to add websites/blogs/articles etc.. on to my Feedly, but I cannot figure out how to sync Feedly with my browser, sooooo if anyone knows how please feel free to help a sister out! :) I have tried some trouble shooting of my own. I was given an article on how to add Feedly to my browser (which I have attached), but I could not follow it/ understand it. I have learned however, from this experience that I am patient and open minded to trying new things. It is part of growing into a world that is technology driven and there is no point in getting mad over it because it will be there forever. I just keep taking deep breaths and try everything I can to get it to work. For example, I am making use of my web 2.0  PLN with my blog and maybe one of my peers can help me out ! :)  Needless to say, I have learned quite a bit this week about technology, It doesn't always work in your favor.

What I have figured out about Feedly is that it is actually the coolest website I have ever come across on the internet. It is even better then last week when I used Wordle for the first time. Not going to lie Wordle was so the most exciting thing I had come across on the internet in a long time I told 10+ people about it! But Feedly topped it. Knowing that information can come to me, with the click of a button...  wow... speechless. Where has this website been in the last four years of my university career? While setting up Feedly, I used the journal article A Quick Start Guide for Educators to help me understand what I was doing. One of the major things that I always consider when setting up an account with a website, is to put to use my digital literacy and make sure that it is safe. I did this by exploring Feedly's preferences, knowledge base and read up on the feedback from other Feedly users. This way I can research the site and make sure it is going to be a safe environment to work in. Another really important aspect I learned about an RSS feed reader is that you do not want to add to many sites so that it is information overflow. I took a lot of time reading peoples blogs and adding those that were most interesting and valuable.

Darrow Steffes Design, (CC) 2010
The most valuable item of interest that I found on Feedly this week, since I ran into so many problems, was the knowledge base section. It had answers to many of my questions, such as how to mark articles as read, how to subscribe you tube channels, how to search for articles etc. An important part about this course is using the internet to your benefit. I could have emailed my T.A every time I had an issue with setting up my Feedly, however, I did not. I used the resources on the tips of my fingers and discovered on my own. I empowered my own learning strategies and created a work environment for myself. Not only did I learn how to subscribe to youtube channels or to search for articles on Feedly, I learned that I am responsible and capable of leading my own learning skills. I am able to teach myself how to use the web to my benefit and explore my knowledge and understanding without someones help. Education today is moving from a teacher driven cycle to a student-centered approach and this is a great step for someone who has been in the teacher driven cycle their entire life. I have proven to myself that it is possible to learn without being told what to do.

Wong, J. (CC) 2014

Final Comment:

This is another item of interest that I found fun and enjoyable to read which adds to my humorous side not so much my education side:
It is about a lady who tries pins from Pintrest. You should read it, it is actually quite enjoyable.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

My Expiernce with RSS Feeds

Hey everyone!
Nelson, M. (CC) 2009
This week we were introduced to the Feedly RSS reader and honestly I think this idea is fantastic and I have no idea where it has been my entire life! It does everything for you, all you have to do is subscribe and BAMMM! articles are coming to you! This was my reaction when I started exploring -->

Needles to say it has been an awesome experience getting to know Feedly RSS reader. Throughout my discoveries, I found various sites that I subscribed to, but I did find one in particular that really struck my interest. It is a site affiliated with New York Times Journal called Travel. It is a site full of information about the world and a place where people can share their stories about their adventures. There was one story I was reading called "The Legacy of the Falling Spider."It is a story about a man and his friend who spent 9th grade on an exchange trip in Kenya in the Berkshire Mountains, Camp Becket. In this exchange they had to live in various homes and become one with the folk of Kenya. At one home a massive spider fell on one of the heads of the students, while the people they lived with in Kenya laughed at them! Here is the link you can read you self:

Anyway, the point that I am getting at, is this site  is a place where everyone can share their stories and talk about the adventures they had. As someone who would like to travel one day, these stories are intriguing and exciting. It will encourage me to keep my dream of traveling in hopes that I one day will have a story to tell and post on the NYT Travel site.

Thanks for reading!

4P19: Chapter 3

Hey everyone,
This week in chapter three, the major topic addressed was the backwards design method in dissecting the curriculum and how KDB plays a huge role in this method. The backwards design has four steps: Two pre-steps, Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3. This method is a way of dissecting the curriculum as a teacher with emphasis on early planning assessment. The majority of this post will have to do with the planning of assessment throughout the curriculum and the importance of it.

The backwards design method made a lot of emphasis on the student and how important it was for the student to understand what is expected of them with learning goals and success criteria. As a student who learned visually while in elementary school and high school, I needed to know what was expected of me in a picture in order to be successful in school. However, many times while in school, the outlined assessment material (ie. a rubric) was not in my level of language and the teacher never took the time to explain it. I was not a strong reader growing up, and I still struggle with this task as a University student. So, as a young student I had no idea what was expected of me because I could not read the assessment outlines. Eventually,  I just did my own thing and hoped for the best. In most cases I had my mom and dad read it to me and hope that they understood it better then myself.

Because of my struggle to read, I had always asked myself the question in school, what do I actually have to do on this assignment? And how in the world am I going to do it? And I would answer it with "Mom will know what to do." But then this leads me to some new questions now.... what is the education system doing now? and how is it different? Do people like myself still struggle? or are some finally able to succeed with better understanding?

To lift my spirits, the text introduced some 'new story' methods that I believe are excellent ideas for students like myself.  The text is addressing the importance of assessment incorporated into the teachers curriculum design, as well as incorporating the process of students co-constructing the rubrics or assessment tools to help them develop the skills of self-evaluation (Drake, Ried & Kolohon, 2014). It is important to note that the text was keen on addressing that student should be aware of what is expected of them and assessments tools be created at a level of their student language. This means that students (like myself) who were unaware of what the rubric says, will benefit from having a run through of each criteria and become aware of their expectations. It is exciting to see that what the 'new story' brings will benefit students like myself and they will hopefully avoid having the same struggles I went through.

What really caught my eye in the STAGE three process, was that they incorporated the three types of assessment new to me this year (AaL, AoL, AfL) into their day to day activities charts. It is prominent that teachers are becoming more concerned about the needs of the 'new story' student and how they understand the information given to them.  They are moving towards a new direction that not only uses quantitative assessment but qualitative assessment as well. Some fun qualitative examples they mentioned were photo collages, diary, scrapbook, puzzle, letter... etc (Drake et al. 2014). Not only are teachers allowing students to engage more in their personal learning they are helping them to develop a 21st. Century skill, creativity.
The approach of integrating assessments in to curriculum has many benefits, that I myself would have benefited from in my younger years. To begin, it would have been beneficial to have been given feed back throughout the course so that I or my fellow peers could develop the skills in order to succeed properly in the class. I will never forget my high school history class where I had various tests that I studied diligently for and never got higher then a 70%. I loved history and I could not understand why I was getting these low marks. When I would ask for help, the teacher told me to look at my rubric for help, and guess what, I couldn't understand the rubric nor did he have the time or interest in helping my misunderstandings. It is sad to say that, because of this teacher, I no longer enjoy history because of his invaluable feedback and lack on interest in me as the student. This is where the assessment tools AfL and AaL would have been helpful for me, because they would have addressed where I stood as a student and what I would need to work on to improve my understandings and skills.

Another benefit of this design, would be that students learn how to self-evaluate their work. I was not taught this method in high school, nor was I interested in self-evaluating my work because it frightened me. Self-evaluations can be tough because no one enjoys evaluating their work in fear that it is not what was expected of them. However, it is so important for students to know this skill because it teaches them how to read a rubric and follow guidelines so that they not only understand what they are putting forward but they understand what is expected of them. Having the student actually participate in creating a rubric helps guide the student in the process of self-evaluation because they created what is expected of them.

Overall, it is clear to me that  integrating assessment into the curriculum, is very important to the process of learning. This reassures me that maybe there is potential for those like myself.

Image by Line upon Line Learning
Retrieved from

Thanks for reading,


 Drake, S., Reid, J., & Kolohon, W. (2014). Toward a New story of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. In Interweaving curriculum and classroom assessment: Engaging the 21st-century learner. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford Univrsity press.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Weekly Report and Reflection Post: Week #2 PLE's and PLN's

Hey everyone!
I hope you are all having a good week, cause mine has been better then the last. I think my struggle this semester is having to juggle 7 courses all at once and organizing when I will complete tasks for each course. It has been difficult but because of the time management skills I learned and ADED 1P31, I found a way to make things work. This week in ADED 1P32, we learned about creating our PLE's (Personal Learning Environments) and PLN's (Personal Learning Networks) in which we organize our digital tools and communication on the web 2.0.
As a future teacher, I have a responsibility to inform myself in PLE’s and PLN’s. I have a duty to be involved with the 21st century so I can help my students become familiar with the web 2.0 and make learning student-centered and student-driven. As described by the 'Net worked Student Video', I have a duty to offer guidance to students when they or stuck in the networking world, teach students how to properly communicate and follow netiquette rules when online, help them decide what information they find is awesome and valuable, and what information is not as awesome and valuable. The list goes on but the most important thing to realize is that this is the future of schooling, and the video did a good job at explaining this process.

Pedersen, E. CC(2014)
This week I was introduced to a new digital tool called Popplet, and it is a very neat program online, where you create your own diagrams and mind maps. So, with this program I created my PLE! 

While creating my PLE, I used Drexler’s categories as a template and, from there I added my own digital tools that I have used within each of theses categories. I found it difficult to categorize some tools because I didn’t know exactly where some of them fit under, but I think I came to a good conclusion! I wanted to keep in mind while making the PLE the criteria for a PLE introduced in the 'silent video' in the introduction. I had to make sure the tools I listed were supporting my personal learning environment and are systems that help me take control of and manage my own learning systems that surround me everyday. 

Here is something a learned about a PLE, it can help me organize my future. I am not normally one for planning a head and having a 5-10 year goal.... I like to take my time and just take things day-by-day cause you never know what will happen. However, If I were to plan right now what I will be doing in 5-10 years, I will be graduate from Teacher Collage and be a successful full time teacher in either Northern Ontario or in my home town. I plan to be out of debt and living with with my boyfriend in a house of our own far off in the country. These are realistic dreams, however the reality is there are things I need to do to accomplish these dreams and the PLE can help me with this. As described in Malan's PREZI, a PLE can be helpful in my academic learning because it can help me organize who I am, who I want to be,  how I will get there using academic sources and what I will do to support my journey. For example, in the future I mentioned I would like to get out of debt. In order to get ideas about what the quickest and fastest way to get out of debt is to socialize and collaborate with my peers through my PLN as well as practice my digital literacy and research on the topic using Google scholar or a search engine. 

In addition to creating my PLE and PLN, I also explored the world or world clouds using the tool Wordle on the web. It is a tool that allows you to create your own word cloud with a body of text that you input from your own work. Wordle will then generate a word cloud  with the most prominent and important words from the text you inputted. You can change the colour, font an how it is written (horizontally, vertically, half and half etc.) Here is the one I made! I created it with last weeks blog. As you can see, in last weeks blog a lot of the words I wrote about were digital citizenship, technology, netiquette, etc. I absolutely loved this program  and will use it in the future because it really makes your work a piece of art.

Pedersen, E. CC (2014)

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, I hope you enjoyed it!

Friday, 12 September 2014

Digital citizenship and Netiquette

I hope everyone is having a good week! My week has been jammed packed and it has been hard for me to find time to write my blog post. However, I am now at work and no one is here, so I have found some time to intrigue you with my post on digital citizenship and netiquette.

What did I learn this week? Well that's a great question for you to ask! The most interesting thing I learned from our week 1 session is the digital dossier video. I am not going to lie I watched the video 3 times before I believed it. For those of you who do not know what a digital dossier is, it is the accumulation of all the digital tracks you leave behind on the internet and it begins before you are born and even continues to grow when you have past away. It is the tracking of your digital footprint threw the web when you have shared a picture or added a tweet or even a comment on someones post. It is what I would call your tracking device, that anyone in the world can see by Googling you..... pardon? It is amazing to me how technology can track you and exploit you in many ways (not always in bad ways).

Since I have a digital dossier, in which I can be tracked by not only mother, but the entire world, I have to have respectable netiquette when representing myself on the web. The text ,  'Core rules of Netiquette'   helped me to understand the rules and etiquette of the web and realize that I want to be seen as a I am seen in the physical world. Therefore, reading the article on 'Core rules of Netiquette'  as well as seeing examples of what blogs with proper netiquette look like on the web really showed me how to represent myself in the digital world and how to create a positive digital footprint.

Here is a fun fact: Anything you type into Google is tracked and recorded, employers can Google your name and find 10 things about you with the click of a button BEFORE even meeting you.... I am mind boggled!!

Now, I have to be honest with you, when I did the digital drivers license, I got 100%. I felt good. I felt on top of the world. But then I stopped, and ask myself, wait, does this mean I know everything about digital citizenship? No, this means that I read the 9 elements of digital citizenship and remembered what I read for the test. That being said, I went back to the 9 elements of digital citizenship from the text 'Digital citizenship in schools' (2011) and found that I would really like to focus on a the area of digital communication. The world is full of new technology and University, this year especially, is introducing more hands on web 2.0 tools for communication with fellow classmates as well as with professors, therefore I think it will be important for me to focus my attention on digital communication.

That all being said, I think it is awesome that I am growing my digital foot print on the web 2.0. It is the generation of technology and it is important to get out in the world and meet new people and really grow a positive digital foot print. When I say positive I mean that I want to grow my digital foot print in a way that uses proper netiquette.  I would like to represent myself as a professional, I want to keep my digital footprint up to date and manage my social media (professional name, make appropriate posts, keep information private, etc..). How I hope to achieve this is through research during the course as well as from feed back of others, just like the text says "A good digital citizen seeks out feedback from others to evaluate their use of technology, and then makes personal adjustments based on this feedback (Ribble, 2011)."

Image by Peak Health and Wellness (2012)
Retrieved from

Thanks for reading!


Ribble, M. (2011). Digital citizenship in schools (2nd ed.). Eugene, Or.: International Society for Technology in Education.