Saturday 11 October 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection #5

Once again it has been a successful week. It has been very busy finishing off assignments and writing midterms, however, the storm is over and I get to fully enjoy my reading week with little home work... YA! I look forward to doing my observation placement this week for education and seeing my old teachers again, it should be a good time.

Twitter, (CC) 2014
This week session 5 was all about micro blogging with twitter. Before starting the course I had my doubts about twitter because I thought it was only for people to express unneeded emotions via the internet. However, I judged a book by its cover and I am glad I got to know this new friend of mine twitter. Twitter is a fantastic tool where you can add and follow people with similar interests to you. This week I started following some brilliant educators who post really interesting articles on education. Twitter is a great resource to have while in school because information people share can help you with research and keep you up to date with the most recent information on the web 2.0. If you like an article someone has posted, you can re-tweet it and share them in the post. By doing this you create a resource for yourself and teaches you how to give credit to where credit is do.

Before I jumped right into using Twitter and finding people to follow and tweeting about anything, I wanted to get to know about twitter, understood how it worked and what I could use it for to benefit my PLN. The Twitter hand Book for Teachers lead a great introduction about twitter and the importance of the hash tag. In order to create and harness a personal learning network it is important to create tweets that are not like spam and are educationally relevant and professional. As quoted by the article "Hash tags have become a popular way to create interest-networks within Twitter." They are a way to categorize ideas and topics. That being said, this article taught me why it is important to use #ADED1P32 at the end of my tweets regarding the course, because I can categorize ideas and topics related to people in my PLN. 


Twitter is more then a place to share emotions about your life, it is a place to create a bigger PLN by following new people who share information about topics that interest them as well as you. The video How to build you PLN, explained a PLN as a place where both the student learns and contributes to the process. When students connect to their PLN, they expect learning to happen, both their own learning and people in their learning network. If someone finds interest in your posts on Twitter they can begin to follow you and together you can create a resource for each other and learn from one another. Once you begin to follow a person, you are able see their followers and those who also share your same interests.  Therefore, you can begin to follow more people and create a larger PLN. The more people you follow, the more you learn what the digital world has to offer. It is a fantastic social media site that offers a fantastic opportunity for learning.

This week, my Feedly feed of interest is a blog about using robots to support social and content goals within the classroom

Here is my twitter name and feel free to follow me as I would like to create more resources for my self and a bigger PLN

Thanks for reading,


  1. Hello Emily,

    I found twitter to be a very interesting tool, in which you can interact with others that have similar interests. I agree with you about using hashtags on twitter. The reason for this is that it helps you find other people in your network, and find certain topics that interest you. When searching for #ADED1P32, I found people that were registered in the course, and I also found people in my class. This shows the use of PLN and how it can be created. Great blog post, interested in reading more.


  2. Hi Emily,
    I also found Twitter to be an excellent tool (I even used it as a Web 2.0 tool for our Great Tools discussion). It's interesting because every time I just one of my tools to explore you tend to be a person I find (I have your blog on my Feedly, and found you on Twitter ALSO using the #ADED1P32). Do you also find our class overwhelming with the amount of tools we are using simultaneously to interact with each other? I almost think we would benefit by finding one tool and sticking to it - but as we both likely know the whole point of this class is expanding our PLN!

    Anyways, looking forward to reading your next post.

  3. Hi Emily!

    I completely agree with everything in your post this week. I was slow at jumping on the Twitter bandwagon too as I thought it was a fad that would wear down. I didn't see the value of posting brief messages for the world to see. After using Twitter for about a year now, I have slowly begun to see how good of a tool it can be. Make sure that you follow a wide variety of topics to keep you interested. I used to only follow business and news accounts, but found myself getting tiered of the repetitiveness. By adding variety it really keeps you interested in everything that's going on and expands your knowledge.

    Hopefully this tip helps you. Happy thanksgiving!


  4. Hi Emily!

    Just like you I judged Twitter by the cover before really understand what is can be used for. Just like you said, I thought it was where people posted unnecessary emotions. After exploring twitter you can see how helpful it will be, especially while in school or for your career. Twitter can allow you to follow others and improve your knowledge on different topics. I like how you read the Twitter Hand Book for Teachers and you did your research before using twitter. I think adding the hash tag #ADED1P32 will be very helpful for everyone is our class to communicate with each other and to share important information. Twitter will be very useful for our class! I know twitter helped us communicate with each other to become partners!
    I look forward to work with you! Great Post!!


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