Saturday 4 October 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection blog post #4

Hello everyone!
So I would just like to start off my blog and say that I have finally been able to sync my Feedly with my browser! It has been a long learning experience but I finally figured it out. This taught me a lesson. You have to be patient when working with technology. It may not always go your way when you want it to go your way, but over time, with new knowledge and experience you will be able to accomplish what you want. That is what learning with digital tools is all about. I used my PLE and found resources that allowed me to guide my personal experience and be successful... I feel empowered!

I also have to add that I figured out how to make my Diigo a toolbar on my browser. This also took me all week to do.... BUT the difference between myself this week and last week is that I am making faster progress and using my PLE more efficiently. I have enjoyed using Diigo and it will definitely be a tool I use from now on. I specifically enjoyed using the book markings tool. You can high light and use sticky notes to aid in you educational experience. All I thought of when using this tool is how much simpler research will become. Having the ability to save any document you wish on the internet to a cloud that you can access from any computer can change lives! If I do research and do not feel like saving all the files to my computer and / or printing them out I have the ability to high light, add to the document personally by adding posted notes and creating active shapes that can help me as a visual learner to remember my research with the click of a button. I noticed that this digital tool also allows you to never forget where you got a piece of research from. I have had many times where I have lost an article or journal online that I had received information from and struggled to re-find the source. As part of being a digital citizen, you must give credit where credit should be given, otherwise you will be plagiarizing another persons work. This digital tool can allow for effective digital citizenship.

This type of tool could be categorized in my PLE under organizing content. The entire purpose of this digital tool is to organize information that you find on the web so that it is easy to access later. I have attached a copy of my updated PLE and you can see under organization I have added Diigo. I have also added Feedly, Blogger and Scoop it to my PLE. I classified Feedly under organizing content as well because it has to deal with gathering information so that you can find information later on a topic of interest at your convenience. Blogger and Scoop it are definitely under the category of synthesizing and creating because they both gather information and create something concrete that you have discovered. Having the ability to add to my PLE is becoming more important to me as the week goes on. Looking into the future, I have a lot of assignments approaching, and having more resources to help me through these tasks will make the experience that much easier. This is what the Web 2.0 is all about.
Pedersen, E. (CC) 2014

This week my Feedly feed of interest is a TED talks video about education removing creativity from children of our generation. It is humorous and insightful and I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did.

Sir K. Robinson. (2007, 01, 06). Schools kill creativity.

Thank you for reading,

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