Thursday 9 October 2014

Where do YOU Exist in the Education System

Education means learning. Education consists of subjects that students must learn to become active citizens in our society. Without math, you cannot simply add your grocery bill as you shop or understand the concept of taxes, without English, you cannot read etc.. All play a role in a developing society and is essential to learn. Now, this leads me to the question... why do we only focus on writing in our education courses when there are many aspects to education? I understand that professors need to know that we understand what is going on in the class, but there are other ways to prove your understanding. Remember it is education... so far it seems as though those who have a strong literacy back round are the ones who are benefiting. What about the science students?

This brings me to blogging. I am a science person, I do not express myself easily, nor do I feel comfortable doing it. Being graded on something that is not comforting to me is hard emotionally. I am a private person and being told that I have to break into my inner feelings and write a blog about topics I truly have opinions about, is probably the hardest and most uncomfortable thing I have done. Assessment wise, how are blogs graded? I am a logical person who writes the in a scientific manner, I do not know much about flow because I haven't taken an English class in four years. The blogs I have heard (like my group members) have been deep, enriching, very personal, and very good. I struggle with being graded on something that I feel is breaking my personal boundaries.  Like mentioned in chapter two of the text, everyone has different learning preferences and it is up to the student and teacher to work on this. It addressed how important it is for teachers to consider the learning styles of all their students and allow them to be successful in their intelligence area. This type of learning is only allowing those with linguistic back rounds to show their intelligences, but what about science people? We are part of the education system to and why are we not allowed to show where are intelligences are by doing creative tasks in a math or science way. I have not done anything but writing in any of the education classes I have been in. This has put me at a disadvantage because I am not a good writer, there is not a even playing field.

This question does not only apply to the science students of University but also to the younger generations who also enjoy science. There seems to me that there has been a developing negative connotation around the sciences. Many times while in high school I had teachers tell me that they do not think that math is the right route for me. They told me that it is very difficult and that I should really be sure that this would be the right route for me. They also look at me in "really... math? English is better, I can't do math." This hurt, and it still hurts because I am concerned for students like me today still feeling the same pain. Just because a teacher says to me that "they cannot do math" and "English is better" does not mean they should not reveal their negative attitude towards the subject. They should be a true educator and empower the student in their decision. The duty of an educator is to foster learning in a unbiased environment where students are free to make their own decisions with the guidance of the teachers but without the teachers giving them the answer. However, this has not been the case. Teachers are making the decisions for the students based on their own opinions with the use of a guidance discovery model, teachers ask students questions until they say the right answer. This does not empower the student.

As a teacher you need to create a being, a human being. But you will not create an independent human being if you teach them the "know" of the curriculum with biased opinions. You need to create a environment that lets the students "do" what needs to be done to create their own knowledge and create their own being from their experience. A teachers job is not to do the students work and tell them where they should go in life, it is their job to be their and support them along the way.

Media Temple. (CC) 2014

Thanks for reading,


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