Sunday 9 November 2014


hey everyone
This week we have been introduced to a new and exciting new tool called Voicethread. At first this tool seemed a bit over whelming, but it is actually very simple to use and it can be great for group projects!  I know that a lot of the tools we have use have been used for group projects, but this also fits the bill. In a group project, you can add your presentation to Voicethread by dragging your file to the "add media" file and just like Google docs, you can have your group members comment on what they like, what they think needs to be changed and how they can make it better! This way you can avoid meeting up in person, and anyone in your group can comment through text, video or even audio.

Another way this could be used is individually. I can find a video about a topic I am researching and I could listen to other peoples comments and learn from what they view or find. This can help with inspiration for a paper or even give you a new perspective on the situation. I did this while I was commenting on the Digital Rights and Responsibilities thread. I listened and read others perspective and it enlightened me with new ideas.

This can also help when I am doing presentations at school or as a teacher and I could narrate my presentations.  

As For my PLE, I would add Voice thread to "socialization and collaboration" under the sub heading "Video communication and Socialization".

Here is the Discussion Voice thread "Digital Rights and Responsibilities"

Thanks for reading!

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