Wednesday 26 November 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #12

Hey everyone,
So this is it! This is officially my last blog post for ADED1P32. This has been a great course! I have learned so much about being a digital citizen and how I can make a positive difference in the world of technology. Below is my current PLE and as you can see, I have surrounded myself with new tools from this course that will be useful in my educational studies.
Pedersen, E. (CC) 2014
I have honestly learned so much in this course, and I have really enjoyed using the internet as my textbook. It has allowed for personal discovery and given me an eye opener to how much potential the digital world has to offer.

I think the most important aspect that I will take from this course is how to Blog. I have grown so much in the blogging world and it will be a tool that I will continue to use for the rest of my life. I plan to be that teacher who takes note of fun and exciting activities and educational growth within my classroom, and blog about it to the world so they can see student learning. I have read so many educational blogs this semester and if it was not for this class, I would never have been exposed to such a fantastic world of learning.

I also think this course showed me the importance of leaving a positive digital foot print. It is so important to leave a good impression and stay positive on the internet. The more positive and open your are to others, the more you learn and stay connected to those who want to share with you. By working together, the digital world can benefit each and every one of us.

Thanks for reading all my blogs!

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #11

Hey Everyone,
Every moment I feel Christmas break is approaching quicker and quicker and I can't help but feel nervous and excited all at the same time. It has been a busy week so far and will be even more busy in the second half.

This week, we were to discover the world of web casting tools. Well, I have to say, it was an adventure for me. I am pretty good with technology, however, I was having no luck this week. I began by making a podcast on Garage band. However, once I downloaded my podcast to itunes and then tried to upload it to my blog, I could not do it. So, naturally I became frustrated because I had just been recording my video for 45 min and it would not work. So then, I decided to expand my PLE and look into some online tools that I could use that would work better then Garage band. And I did! I looked into the web recording tool 'Sound Cloud,' as suggested in our activity and I found it to be very helpful. I was able to record my podcast and create a video in a matter of minuets. I was then able to up load it to my blog and complete my task. In part of being a developing digital citizen, I must trouble shoot and learn from my mistakes. This way, I understand how the online tool works and when I use it again I will hopefully not run into any more problems. This is truly a lesson for me.
SoundCloud. (CC) 2014

So, let me tell you a little bit about Sound Cloud. It is a very useful tool when wanting to upload music and audio onto the internet. You can create groups with people, where you can all share information or, you can share your video to the public for all to see. It is a place where you can gather information, or just jam to your favorite beats. You can also make your own playlists of music which can be accessed from any computer. This can be very helpful if your at school and need a break from the world, just open up your Sound Cloud and play your playlist. I think that this tool is very easy to use and practical for students.

Podcasting tools can definitely contribute to my work and building knowledge. For example, as a digital citizen, I am exploring the web to understand its potential and how it can help me learn. By using podcasting tools, I am open to a whole new world of gathering information. Any time I would like to learn about something interesting or useful, I can follow someone, add them to my itunes and listen to what they have to say about my topic of interest. This can be insightful especially if you follow the podcast of someone who is a great educator and has a lot of information to share with the world. As a digital citizen, I should be taking advantage of this opportunity. 

This weeks Feedly feed of interest is about a class in the states taking advantage of the "thank you videos' on Facebook as an exercise for a digital citizenship lesson.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 25 November 2014


In this activity, I learned about the benefits of podcasting. I personally never thought of podcasting as a tool I could use to help my learning. However, after participating in the activity, I can see how it can be beneficial in developing as a digital citizen. By using podcasting, I am making the most of digital technology by full electric participation in society. As a citizen, I have expanded my knowledge via the internet to help inform others of my topic of interest. In part of being a digital citizen, I have the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with anyone at anytime, so that everyone can share my knowledge, and hopefully I can learn from others knowledge.

In addition to communicating my knowledge with the use of podcasting, I also appropriately licensed my video into Creative Commons, so those who want to share or use my video know that limits as to how they can use my video. As a digital citizen I have to take precautions so that I am protected and guaranteed safety. I must protect my information from other citizens on the inter-web that might cause harm to my safety.

In addition to podcasting contributing to my digital citizenship, it has also added to my digital literacy. I learned how to use a tool that I would never have thought of learning before this class. Podcasting is a new way for me to share information and to gain knowledge from others on the web 2.0 that is creative and interesting. This is a growing tool that is used in society now, and as it emerges into the educational field, I must learn quickly how to use it appropriately and effectively so I can inform future students. In part of being a digital citizen, I must be digitally literate so that I can educate in a new way.

These are just a few ways that podcasting has contributed to my learning. Below is a podcasting video that I created....ENJOY!

Thanks for reading!

Monday 24 November 2014

Last but not Least...

Hey everyone,
So here I am, my last blog of the semester. The time has gone way to fast to what I prefer, but I am very excited for Christmas break to start in just 3 weeks!!

Deakin University. (CC) 2014
This week, I have decided to talk about the last chapter in our text, 'The Twenty-First Century Teacher.' From this course I have learned a lot, but I found this chapter to be a great finally, so to speak, on what I can do to as a future teacher to make positive changes in the education system.

I really enjoyed how the text stressed about the importance of being a 'reflective practitioner.'  In teaching, you must always be looking to improve your teaching skills. As stated by the text "Reflection is an important part of the learning cycle and helps us move forward to more effective ways of doing things in changing times (pg. 149)." We cannot move forward in the education system without reflecting on our past, present and future teaching. The more reflective we become, the more professional growth we develop. I think that this is an important process in order to push forward in education so that we can meet the needs of the 21st century student.

In addition to being a reflective practitioner, I think the topic of the semester has been "how to use technology to meet the needs of the 21st Century student."  In being a reflective practitioner, I must reflect upon the use of technology in the education setting to meet the needs of what the text calls the 'digital natives.' Technology is a new way of thinking and this is how 21st century students brains are now learning and developing. However, as important as introducing technology in the class room is, the text makes a good point in saying that technology is useful only when it enhances learning (pg. 156). We as teachers need to act as facilitators and allow students to explore the unknown and learn how to use the web 2.0. This is a new part of learning and if teachers teach in traditional methods, technology will become a burden and  children will no longer enjoy discovering this new world. Students need to learn with a hands on approach on how to use technology in an education setting so that they can be prepared for what is next to come in the digital age.

CMC. (CC) 2014
I have learned so much this semester about the web 2.0 that I have been mind blown! I must have learned about 30 new tools that I can use on the web to make my life easier and organized. For example I learned about curator tools such as Evernote and Diigo, where I can literally bookmark and tag any website, photo, or video and save it to my account forever, and refer to it from any browser whenever I need access to what I saved. I also learned about a tool called Popplet, where I can create online brainstorming maps and not have to go through the hassle of drawing a map with a pencil and paper. I also discover google docs. This is by far the best tool out there. You can do anything with google docs, and all of it is accessible whether you make it private or shared with a class or group mates. It is fantastic on a classroom setting, and students can access any material posted not only in class but online at home or at lunch in the library. As a student who went to high school and elementary school without the use of google docs, Evernote, Diigo, Pooplet and many more digital tools I see much potential in my future classroom. 

SignUpGenius. (CC) 2014
I would like to finish off my blog with a final word about this course, EDUC 4P19. It began as a struggle as I was generally confused about what I had to do in the course and how I was to keep organized and on task. I felt like everytime I thought I was on track, something chagned and I was completely off task. All I know is a traditional classroom, where the teachers hands out a fixed syllabus and tells me what I have to do and when I have to do it by. So, entering this course I became hesitant and a little frightened of what the semester had in store for me. However, I have to say, it was really nice not having to worry about my grades for once in my life. I felt that the feedback I got was positive and useful in improving my skills in the class.  I think there is still so much more for me to learn about the 21st century student and this course has given me that first step forward into a new light. As I grow to becoming a teacher, I am becoming less critical of what I am being taught, and becoming more critical of what positive values I can take from what I learn and implement them in the classroom. Know that I have seen potential in the classroom and how I can make a difference, I cannot wait to start teaching!

Thanks for reading!

 Drake, S., Reid, J., & Kolohon, W. (2014). Toward a New story of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. In Interweaving curriculum and classroom assessment: Engaging the 21st-century learner. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford Univrsity press.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #10

Hey everyone!
I hope your week is going well, mine is going fast! I have had three presentations and a couple assignments due, but all have been successful :)

Animoto. (CC) 2014
This week, we focused on tools that allowed us to create an online environment. In particular, I explored Animoto and Photopeach. When I first think of slide shows, I think of a presentation that you do in front of the class and the instructor or facilitator presents the information. Well, I now see that it is much more then that! While discovering the new web 2.0 slide show tools, I realized that I could use the slide shows to tell a story, to use videoagraphy to express an issue, and I DO NOT have to just use plain writing. From an educational stand point, this fuels the creativity of the 21st century student. I also noticed that, especially on Animoto, that it limited how much text you were allowed to put per slide. This really teaches students how to be concise about information and how to keep it simple. Instead of righting every major concept of a topic, this allows students to focus on what is really important and essential to their presentation. I know from past personal experience, I have always filled my slides full of information, and not realizing that it is information overload for my audience.

PhotoPeach. (CC) 2014
The use of these slide show tools have shown me that there is so much potential to learn from the web. These tools can be shared on any social media site. If there is something important or of interest that you would like your PLN to know about, then you can simply share your slideshow. Not only does this allow you to share your knowledge with the world, but it also allows others to share their knowledge with you! This can allow for discovery of new topics and knowledge.

This web 2.0 tool could definitely be added to my PLE. In a way I think that the slideshow tools (Animoto and Photopeach) are very similar to Google slides, however, you are able to share to social media without a special sharing link. I would add this tool to my PLE in the category of 'Collaborating and socializing' and within the sub category 'Video communication/socialization.' I think that adding this category to my PLE will help me broaden my horizons from the previous video communication tools (Skype, Facetime and Youtube). This tool will allow me to communicate with the world around me, with the use of a created video, and not an 'in the moment' video. This allows for so much potential and freedom. I also considered placing the web 2.0 tool under synthesizing and creating, because technically, it is a tool of synthesizing and creating. However, I think it fits best under the previous heading, because through video communication I can learn from collaborating ideas of my PLN. 

This weeks Feedly feed of Interest: This weeks feed relates to this weeks topic on slide shows. It is on how to teach your students to deliver good presentations.

Thanks for reading!

Monday 17 November 2014


Hey Everyone,
This week we got to explore two fun tools: Animoto and Flickr. Both of these tools have taught me a lot about my digital responsibility. As a digital citizen I have the responsibility to give credit to where credit is due. While using Flickr especially, I needed to make sure I recorded all details of the image (i.e. the author, the title of the photo, where it was from (URL) and the day is was posted). There are so many things to consider so that you give proper credit. As I am learning to understand my digital responsibilities, understanding what copy righting means has definitely been benefical. To protect the rights of those who have taken the time to upload their photos and offered their photos to be in the creative commons, it is my responsibility to show them that I appreciate their work.

While using Animoto, I was only allowed to use a certain number of words per slide. At first I became frustrated with this, however, it taught me how to condense my words and not over power the slide with information. It taught me how to be aware of appropriate technology use. As I am becoming digitally literate, this has been helpful in my understanding in what it means to actually use technology appropriately, and has increased my knowledge.

 Here is my video, enjoy!

 Pedersen, Emily. (CC) 2014

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #9

Hey Everyone
I hope that you all had a fantastic week. Mine was extremely stressful once again, but its that time of year. I feel like I am struggling to stay in the game, but in exactly one month today I will be completely done and Christmas break begins!
Synergis Education. (CC) 2014
This week in session 9, we explored VoiceThread and Polldaddy. Personally, I really enjoyed what each tool brought to the table. To begin, VoiceThread allows you to up load a presentation, documents or images,  record your voice, add text comments and you can even invite people to be part of your VoiceThread. Voice thread allows for many educational opportunities inside and outside the classroom. At anytime, anywhere, students can invite other students to their VoiceThread and allow for others to comment on and add to the VoiceThread. It can be a place where new ideas are developed and where collective knowledge arises. Polldaddy was another tool that I explored. This tool has a lot of potential in the classroom and I personally enjoyed learning about this tool. With Polldaddy, you can create surveys, polls, quizzes/tests, and have your content rated. In an educational setting, you could create a class review that all students can access for a test that they have coming up, or you can create a poll for which day each student would like to present on. This tool is great because it can keep the teacher informed on how students are doing in the class(ie. how they did on the practice test). I think that this tool will be very beneficial for me in the future as a teacher and it is something that I will now add to my PLE under commuication. I think that even for group projects at school in  university this tool can come in handy. For example, last year I was in a stats class where I cad to form a case study on a particular topic, find data and analyze it. If I knew of Polldaddy I could have easily created a survey about a topic and had people fill it out. This would be very authentic data and very practical to collect.
Polldaddy. (CC) 2014

In regards to Digital rights and responsibilities, while using VoiceThread, it is very easy for individuals to make inappropriate 'commenting' on another individuals VoiceThread. There may be times when people disagree on what is being commented on, and this can cause brutal retaliation and possible tension between one another. I think that if VoiceThread was to be introduced into a classroom, teachers would have to go over not only basic rules on how to communicate on the internet, but how to appropriately make a VoiceThread with a video or audio recording. The more teachers make students aware of how to behave appropriately on the internet and what their rights and responsibilities are, the more this tool can be effective to learning. The article 'Tools for Teaching Cyber Ethics' does a great job at explaining the ten commandments of Computer ethics that I think would be great for a teacher to address when introducing tools like VoiceThread.  I think that as a developing digital citizen I am becoming more aware of what I posting on the internet and what responsibilities I have to protect myself and others on the internet. This class is really teaching me a lot about becoming a digital citizen.

In spirit of exams approaching, this weeks Feedly feed of interest is about how to de-stress from exams.

Thanks for reading!